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Year-Round Lawn Care Calendar for Kansas Homeowners


Maintaining a lush, green lawn throughout the year in Kansas can be a challenge due to the region's varied climate and seasonal changes. A well-planned, year-round lawn care routine is essential for keeping your grass healthy, vibrant, and resilient against the elements.

This month-by-month lawn care calendar is designed to guide Kansas homeowners through each season, offering tailored advice for every stage of the year. Whether preparing your lawn for the winter cold or ensuring it stays green during the summer heat, this guide provides all the tips you need to maintain a beautiful lawn year-round.

Winter Lawn Care

January and February

Winter in Kansas is often harsh, with freezing temperatures and occasional snowfall. Your lawn is dormant during these months, but that doesn’t mean it can be ignored. It’s essential to keep the lawn clear of debris, such as fallen leaves or branches, which can smother the grass and create the perfect environment for mold and diseases.


As winter begins to fade and temperatures rise, March is the ideal time to prepare your lawn for the growing season. One of the first tasks is aeration, which helps alleviate soil compaction and allows air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots more effectively.

This is also an excellent time to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent the growth of weeds that can outcompete your grass as it begins to wake up from dormancy.

Spring Lawn Care


April marks the true beginning of the growing season for lawns in Kansas. This is the perfect time to start overseeding any bare or thin patches in your lawn. Overseeding helps fill these areas, creating a dense, lush lawn that’s more resistant to weeds and disease.

It’s also essential to begin your weed control efforts now by applying a post-emergent herbicide if weeds have already started to sprout. In addition to weed control, it’s time to give your lawn its first full feeding of the season with a slow-release fertilizer.

This will give your grass the nutrients it needs to support vigorous growth as temperatures warm up. Focusing on these tasks in April will give your lawn a strong start to the growing season.


In May, your lawn is in full growth mode, which means it’s time to establish a regular mowing routine. Mowing your lawn at the proper height is crucial for maintaining its health.

For most cool-season grasses common in Kansas, like fescue or bluegrass, aim to keep your lawn about 3 inches tall. This height helps shade the soil, reduce water evaporation, and suppress weed growth.


As summer approaches in June, protecting your lawn from the stresses of heat and drought is paramount. Watering becomes critical this month, so ensure your lawn receives about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week through rainfall or irrigation. It’s best to water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth, which helps your lawn withstand the summer heat.

Monitor your lawn for signs of stress, such as wilting or discoloration, and adjust its care routine as needed. By staying vigilant in June, you’ll help your lawn maintain its health and appearance as summer heat sets in.

Summer Lawn Care


July is typically the hottest month in Kansas, and your lawn will require extra care to withstand the heat. Irrigation is critical, so continue watering heavily so your lawn gets at least 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Try to water in the morning or late evening, as it allows the grass to absorb the moisture before evaporation.

July is also a critical time for pest control. Hot, dry conditions can attract pests like grubs, which feed on grass roots and cause significant damage. Regularly check your lawn for indications of pest activity, like brown patches or increased bird activity, and treat any issues promptly.


As the summer heat continues into August, maintaining your lawn’s health requires careful attention. Drought conditions can stress your grass, so consistent watering remains essential. In addition to proper irrigation, consider raising your mower blade slightly to allow the grass to grow taller. Taller grass provides more shade for the soil, reducing water evaporation and helping the grass retain moisture.


September is an excellent month to apply a slow-release fertilizer to support your lawn’s recovery from summer stress and encourage strong root growth. Aeration is also beneficial in September, as it helps relieve soil compaction and improves air, water, and nutrient penetration. Begin planning for any overseeding you might want to do in October to fill in thin or bare spots.

Fall Lawn Care


October is a critical month for preparing your lawn for the winter months ahead. One of the most important tasks is overseeding to fill in any bare or thin spots that may have developed over the summer. This helps prepare for a thicker, healthier lawn come spring.

Aeration is highly recommended during October. Aerating your lawn relieves soil compaction, allowing more air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots. This process is especially beneficial before the winter, as it helps strengthen the grass roots for better resilience during the colder months.

November & December

As the temperatures drop and winter approaches, November and December are all about final preparations to protect your lawn through the coldest months. Start by thoroughly cleaning your lawn, removing fallen leaves, branches, and debris. Consider applying a winterizing fertilizer specifically formulated to protect your lawn during the dormant season.

Achieve a Healthy Lawn Year Round with Hassle Free Lawns

Maintaining a beautiful, healthy lawn throughout the year requires consistent care and attention to detail, especially in Kansas, where the climate presents unique challenges every season. By following a structured lawn care calendar, you can achieve a lush, green, and resilient lawn, no matter the time of year.

Hassle Free Lawns is here to help you achieve that goal with expert services tailored to each season's needs. From winter preparation to summer maintenance, our team is dedicated to keeping your lawn in top condition year-round so you can enjoy a vibrant, well-maintained lawn with minimal effort.

Partner with the Leading Lawn Care Company in Kansas

If you’re ready to give your lawn what it needs all year round, Hassle Free Lawns will be your trusted partner. Our team of experts understands the unique challenges posed by the local climate and provides customized services to meet your lawn's needs in every season. Reach out today or call us at (913) 444-5545 to schedule your lawn care services and experience the benefits of working with Kansas's leading lawn care company.